SEX!! Is probably one of the most fulfilling and gratifying pleasures on earth. Sex emotionally connects two people in a way that builds intimacy and deeper relationships. In our culture sex is saw as "hit it, then leave it" and in our churches sex is rarely talked about because its almost the "elephant in the room". So here we have two unhealthy views of how sex was intended and both lead to bondage. In the beginning God created Adam and Eve in perfect unity to enjoy sex with one another for life. In the original creation sex was not made for us to have multiple partners in order to gratify ourselves. Sex was for the pleasure of the other individual, where we satisfy our husbands or wives needs to build a long lasting relationship. Sex however has turned into a buffet where we choose based on the variety offered. We do as we wish objectifying the other individual, with no regard for emotional or mental state of the other party. In our churches sex is looked at as gross, never to be talked about, condemning those who have legit concerns about SEX. God made sex as wonderful and to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage. It is something not to be frowned upon nor indulged in outside of the proper context. Sex in my life has had profound effects on my view on women and has destroyed relationships that were once fruitful. While I indulged and enjoyed sex in "relationships" I found myself hurt and creating a deadly pattern. Sex had became my only motivation for relationships and because of those motives I was in relationships longer because sex has a way of keeping you involved way longer than you intend. It bruised my psyche and insecurities were built and it was extremely hard to trust myself or the other individual. Scientifically sex produces dopamine, which we find enjoyment or reward, which also cause addictive behavior if dopamine levels are too high. So recreational sex is dangerous because it destroys rationality and we will do whatever it takes to find that pleasure again, just like a drug addict.
1 Thessalonians 4 rocked me after reading again and saw that one who shows no control with natural sexual desires lacks self-control and could be compared to a wild animal.
For this is the will of God, iyour sanctification:2 jthat you abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each one of you know how to control his own kbody3 in holiness and lhonor, 5 not in mthe passion of lust nlike the Gentiles owho do not know God; 6 that no one transgress and pwrong his brother in this matter,
I have saw that when I choose to break Gods laws concerning sex, there are consequences and it is an uphill battle to gain the right perspective again. All throughout scripture you see people who misused the gift of sex and suffered because of their disobedience from 23,000 people dying because of sexual immorality to a deeper perversion and having sexual desires towards the same sex. If you are saved by grace through faith, through the sacrifice of Christ and his resurrection, we have become his temple. This means our bodies are no longer our own to do whatever we please but to be used to glorify God with them. Sex is great,beautiful and enjoyable but only in marriage can we have the full range of Gods blessings and do it without the guilt and shame that stemmed from the fall. Trust God for your mate, our inability to wait is a a lack of trust and therefore our unbelief leads to more sin. Just because you have sex with an individual doesn't mean you love and individual and just because you wanna wait doesn't mean you do not love an individual. If a person can't respect your boundaries for sex, leave because they don't respect you. If you are single and feeling loneliness trust Gods provision for a future mate and if you are married use it not to abuse your mate. I have failed numerous times and I am still facing consequences but freedom I know will come and you can stay sexual pure.
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